Kindle Format 8 Basic Course:
- Kindle Publishing Guidelines(最新版 バージョン2014.1)
※ガイドライン(PDF)は右のリンクからダウンロード - 日本語版のKindleパブリッシング・ガイドライン(バージョン2013.2)
Kindleも主力機であるKindle Fire HDの高精細化によって、いよいよコンテンツ(電子書籍)イメージの品質アップが避けられなくなってきました。問題となるのは、リフローより「固定レイアウト」の電子書籍です。
Kindleの電子書籍は、本(コンテンツ)と表紙(マーケティングカバー)を分離し、別のデータとして扱っています。マーケティングカバーは、本の「表紙」だけではなく、ストアの商品ページなどでも利用されます。今回のバージョン2014.1では、デバイスの高精細化によって、推奨サイズが「Kindle Fire HDX 8.9」の2560×1600ピクセルに変更されました。
3.2.1 Cover Image Guideline #1: Marketing Cover Image Is Mandatory
Kindle books must have a marketing cover image provided for use on the website detail page. The preferred format for the cover is a JPEG image of 2500 pixels on the longest side (with a minimum of 1000 pixels on the longest side). Covers with less than 500 pixels on the smaller side are uploaded, but are not displayed on the website. No error message is given at time of upload if the image size is too small. If the cover is smaller than the required size, do not stretch it, because this does not add any quality.
The content of the cover image should not:
• Infringe another publisher’s or artist’s copyright on the same cover.
• Mention pricing or other temporary promotional offers.
3.2.1 Cover Image Guideline #1: Marketing Cover Image Is Mandatory
Kindle books must have a marketing cover image provided for use on the website detail page. The preferred format for the marketing cover is an image of 2560 pixels on the longest side and 1600 pixels on the shortest side with 350 dpi to ensure image clarity on Kindle HDX devices. The image file size should be 5MB or smaller.
If the marketing cover image size is smaller than the 2560 x 1600 recommendation, a reminder message is displayed at time of upload. Covers with less than 500 pixels on the smaller side are not displayed on the website.
If your cover image is smaller than the recommended size, Amazon strongly recommends that you create a new image that meets the size requirements. Do not stretch the image to meet the size requirements, because this may lower the image quality.
The content of the cover image must not:
• Infringe another publisher’s or artist’s copyright on the same cover.
• Mention pricing or other temporary promotional offers.
3.6.2 Image Guideline #2: KindleGen Performs Automatic Image Conversions
The limitation on the image size depends upon the book’s format:
• Reflowable books (fiction and non-fiction): 127 KB maximum
• Fixed-layout books (other than comics): 256 KB maximum
• Comic books: 800 KB maximum
You will obtain the best results by optimizing your images to the highest quality possible within the file size limit before inputting your files into KindleGen.
If the automatic image conversion is unsatisfactory, try optimizing the images before feeding them to KindleGen. If the images are in the JPEG or GIF formats and are less than 127 KB in size, KindleGen does not alter them. For fixed-layout books and comic books, KindleGen reduces the quality factor of the image, but not the resolution. If the image cannot be scaled down to meet the size limits by reducing quality factor up to 40%, KindleGen fails the conversion process.
3.6.2 Image Guideline #2: KindleGen Performs Automatic Image Conversions
The maximum size of an individual image file is 5 MB. The maximum size of an epub is 650 MB.
You will obtain the best results by optimizing your images to the highest quality possible within the file size limit before inputting your files into KindleGen. If the automatic image conversion is unsatisfactory, try optimizing the images before feeding them to KindleGen.
固定レイアウトの電子書籍を作成する場合、フルスクリーン表示される画像サイズは、Kindle Fireの「1024 x 600px」の比率にしていました(ガイドラインに記載されています)。バージョン2014.1では、Kindle Fire HD 8.9の「1920 x 1200px」の比率(16:10)に変更されています。
固定レイアウトの仕様では、強制的にバーチャルパネルビューが有効になり、ダブルタップで拡大(2倍)、スワイプで拡大表示のままスクロールすることができます。ガイドラインでは、拡大表示でも品質が劣化しないように、「2048 x 1200px」の画像サイズを推奨していましたが、「3820 x 2400px」に変更されました。
「3820 x 2400px」(誤)→「3840 x 2400px」(正)
「3820 x 2400px」(誤)→「3840 x 2400px」(正)
画面の比率が多少変わりました。Kindle Fire HD 8.9は、16:10です(Kindle Fire HD、HDX、HDX 8.9も同じ)。
4.3.3 Recommendation #3: Optimizing Content for Full Screen
Kindle books are read across a wide variety of devices (e.g., Kindle e Ink, Kindle Fire, and other manufacturers’ smartphones and tablets) and a wide variety of screen dimensions. The Kindle Fire has a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. Design the content to maintain this aspect ratio, if possible.
For the best user experience, Amazon strongly encourages publishers to design fixed-layout content to maximize the available space of the screen dimensions. If the content has a different aspect ratio or size, the Kindle devices and apps display it scaled to fit the screen, centered, and surrounded by a white margin (letterbox).
Fixed-layout and other image-heavy content is more likely to be magnified because customers prefer to read with Kindle Panel View or on devices with large screens. Amazon recommends submitting images scaled to support at least 2X magnification with high quality. For example, if planning for Kindle Fire, the image pixel dimensions should be at least 2048 x 1200 (this matches the aspect ratio and would support 2X zoom). Always use Kindle Previewer to validate the quality of the content.
4.3.3 Recommendation #3: Optimizing Content for Full Screen
Kindle books are read across a wide variety of devices (e.g., Kindle e Ink, Kindle Fire, and other manufacturers’ smartphones and tablets) and a wide variety of screen dimensions. The Kindle Fire HD 8.9” has a resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels. Design the content to maintain this aspect ratio, if possible.
For the best user experience, Amazon strongly encourages publishers to design fixed-layout content to maximize the available space of the screen dimensions. If the content has a different aspect ratio or size, the Kindle devices and apps display it scaled to fit the screen, centered, and surrounded by a white margin (letterbox).
Fixed-layout and other image-heavy content is more likely to be magnified because customers prefer to read with Kindle Panel View or on devices with large screens. Amazon recommends submitting images scaled to support at least 2X magnification with high quality. For example, if planning for Kindle Fire, the image pixel dimensions should be at least 3820 x 2400 (this matches the aspect ratio and would support 2X zoom). Always use Kindle Previewer to validate the quality of the content.
「3820 x 2400px」(誤)→「3840 x 2400px」(正)
スマートデバイスのスクリーンサイズや解像度は多種多様で混沌としていますが。比率(アスペクト比)に関しては「Androidスマートフォン・タブレット、Kindle Fire、iPhone 5以降」と「iPad」に大別することができます。
現在のスマートフォン、タブレットは、ほぼワイドスクリーンで、iPad(およびiPhone 4など)だけ異なっています。
画面比率 4:3
2048 x 1536(264 ppi)/画面比率 4:3(1.33 : 1 )/9.7インチ
幅:14.78cm 高さ:19.71cm
iPad Air
2048 x 1536(264 ppi)/画面比率 4:3(1.33 : 1 )/9.7インチ
幅:14.78cm 高さ:19.71cm
iPad mini Retina
2048 x 1536(326 ppi)/画面比率 4:3(1.33 : 1 )/7.9インチ
幅:12.04cm 高さ:16.05cm
画面比率 16:9もしくは16:10
1136×640(326 ppi)/画面比率 16:9(1.77 : 1)/4インチ
幅:4.98cm 高さ:8.86cm
Galaxy S4
1920×1080(441 ppi)/画面比率 16 : 9(1.77 : 1)/5(4.99)インチ
幅:6.21cm 高さ:11.05cm
Nexus 7 (2013)
1920×1200(323 ppi)/画面比率 16:10(1.6 : 1)/7(7.02)インチ
幅:9.5cm 高さ:15.1cm
Nexus 10
2560×1600(300 ppi)/画面比率 16:10(1.6 : 1)/10(10.055)インチ
幅:13.5cm 高さ:21.5cm
Kindle Fire HDX
1920×1200(323ppi)/画面比率 16:10(1.6 : 1)/7インチ
幅:9.4cm 高さ:15.1cm
Kindle Fire HDX 8.9
2560×1600(339ppi)/画面比率 16:10(1.6 : 1)/8.9インチ
幅:12cm 高さ:19.2cm
画面比率をAndroidのスマートデバイスやKindle Fireの「16:10」にあわせると、iPadで左右に大きな余白が発生します。
前述したとおり、コンテンツの画像サイズは、Kindle Fireの「1024 x 600px」から、Kindle Fire HD 8.9の「1920 x 1200px」(16:10)に変更されていますが、画像ファイルは「800KB以下のJPEG」と記されており、今までのガイドラインと同じです。
5.2 Asset Requirements
When optimized for the Kindle Fire, graphic novels should maintain a 1024 x 600 aspect ratio. The image resolution will differ depending on the zoom factor required for Kindle Panel View. However, Amazon recommends planning for a high quality reading experience at 2X magnification. Images must be in the JPEG format and must be smaller than 800 KB in size. Image files larger than 800 KB greatly increase download time for the book and require more space on the device. Amazon recommends using an image resolution of 300 dpi or 300 ppi.
There are four standard zoom factors:
5.2 Asset Requirements
When optimized for the Kindle Fire HD 8.9”, graphic novels should maintain a 1920 x 1200 aspect ratio. The image resolution will differ depending on the zoom factor required for Kindle Panel View. However, Amazon recommends planning for a high quality reading experience at 2X magnification. Images must be in the JPEG format and must be smaller than 800 KB in size. Image files larger than 800 KB greatly increase download time for the book and require more space on the device. Amazon recommends using an image resolution of 300 dpi or 300 ppi.
There are four standard zoom factors:
画像以外でも、SVG関連「3.6.11 Image Guideline #11: Use Supported SVG Tags and Elements」や電子書籍内の外部リンク「3.12 External Link Guidelines」についてのガイドラインが新規追加されています。また、辞書関連「7 Dictionary Overview」で変更があります。
(11.2 Appendix B: CSS Selectors, Attributes, and Properties Supported in Kindle Format 8)
HTMLの「a要素」のノートに記載されていた「Links can only refer to items within the same file(リンクは同一ファイル内にあるアイテムへのリファレンスのみ可能)」が削除されました。
(11.1 Appendix A: HTML Tags Supported in Kindle Format 8)
- Scot’s Blog: Image Size Limit Increased in Kindle eBooks (Finally!!!)
February 23, 2014 - MobileRead Forums – Reload this Page E-Book Formats
Takashi Maki
サイズ表記について1点質問させてください。元の英文が「3820×2400」となっていますが、16:10の比率ですと「3840×2400」では? 誤植か、あるいは何か理由があるか・・・ご教示いただけますか。人生初の電子絵本制作を準備している者です。よろしくお願いいたします。